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Automatic Sliding Door Repair: The Ultimate Guide

Automatic sliding doors are a convenient and modern feature that can enhance the accessibility and aesthetic appeal of your space. Suppose you are a retail store or garage owner looking to maintain and repair the automatic sliding door system. In that case, you have come to the right place.

This guide will provide valuable information, tips, and best practices for maintaining and repairing your automatic sliding doors. Please read and ensure they operate smoothly and efficiently at all times.

Let's dive in and learn how to keep your automatic sliding doors in top condition.

What are Common Problems?

Before understanding the solutions, it is essential to know what the problems are. It would not only help to devise a better solution but also assist in the right application.

So, let's check out the common problems that automatic sliding doors in London face. Also, we shall discover easily applicable solutions as well.

Power Problems

It's worth verifying that automatic doors with switches are turned on, especially since a customer or staff member may have inadvertently turned them off. Additionally, even if the switch is in the correct position, a power outage could still render the door nonfunctional. In such cases, resetting the circuit breaker might help resolve the issue.

Faulty Sensors

Automatic sliding doors operate without physical touch and are kept hygienic because they utilize sensors to detect when they should open.

There are various types of sensors used in automatic sliding door systems, ranging from optical sensors to motion detectors. When troubleshooting issues with your automatic sliding door, it's crucial to identify the cause of any malfunctions.

A common problem with sensors is a noticeable delay in the door's opening speed. It creates inconvenience for users. Issues such as damaged floor sensors from heavy usage or optical sensors detecting irrelevant objects and staying open.

Breakage in Rollers

The motorized belt system in automatic sliding doors relies on rollers to facilitate the door's movement. However, if the rollers are damaged, the door may open slowly or not at all.

Additionally, any forceful contact with the door, such as kicking or hitting, can disrupt the rollers' alignment. It leads to further malfunction and requires automatic sliding door repair. Prolonged use can also cause the rollers to wear down, potentially causing them to break or become misaligned.

Things Automatic Door Operator Must Keep in Mind

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it's essential to regularly maintain machines, particularly those that are prone to wear and tear. By doing so, you can identify and address potential issues before they cause malfunctions or breakdowns.

In the case of automatic sliding door operators, there are specific maintenance suggestions that can help keep automatic sliding door systems running smoothly.

  • Ensure that the safety systems of automatic doors are working correctly.

  • Use brooms to clean the pulley of automatic sliding doors; avoid using lubricating oil.

  • Clean the stopper and verify its functionality.

  • Verify the tension of the belt and adjust if it is loose.

  • Inspect the stand and fixed position of the infrared sensor.

  • Examine all electric connections and plugs for any open contacts.

  • Power off the main supply, test the backup power's functionality and inspect the battery multiple times.

  • Clean the covers of the infrared and safety sensors to maintain sensitivity during normal operation.

  • Test the electronic lock for proper functionality and address any issues.

  • Adjust the opening and closing speed, electric motor thrust, and stop function as necessary.

  • Check the height of the leaves of automatic sliding doors and adjust if there are any changes.

Connect with Automatic Door Store

At Automatic Door Store, we are proud to be a top supplier of premium automatic sliding doors in London and gate solutions in London. Our vast experience, unparalleled knowledge, and dedication to quality enable us to deliver diverse services. These services include installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance for various types of automatic doors and gates. Trust us to provide outstanding products and services for all your automated entry needs.

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